Pregnancy is one of the most significant milestones in your life. Fostering and bringing forth new life to this world truly is one of the most special times of your life.

Along with this wonderful time comes changes in your mind, body and spirit. Some days feel perfect, some days not so. There may be not-so-enjoyable days while you grow your little human – morning sickness, skin changes, weight gains, aches here and there. These are so real. On those days when you need support and information, connecting to online resources can be super helpful. Try searching Facebook for your babies due date community or subscribing to websites such as BabyCenter.

At every stage your baby bump journey deserves to be celebrated. What better way to do this than with a maternity shoot!

Here are a few reasons why you should do a maternity photoshoot:

• Documenting your pregnancy will help you remember what it felt like to be pregnant, which is something you’ll cherish forever.

• A maternity session can actually help you feel better about yourself during pregnancy. It instills you with fresh confidence and helps you to see yourself through the eyes of someone who values you for exactly who you are, so that you too appreciate your incredible self.

• Documenting your pregnancy will give you something nice to look at even when the days start feeling long and uncomfortable.

• Your maternity session will become a keepsake and will preserve the story of your family for years to come.

• Photographing the anticipation of a new baby is priceless. It is a great way to immortalise this special time in your life and connect with your partner before the baby arrives. Getting glam and taking photos is always lots of fun!

What makes a maternity shoot such a special experience is the chance to celebrate your pregnancy in a way that you otherwise wouldn’t. It’s your chance to tell your baby how excited you are about them and to create a collection of memories that you can cherish for years to come.

Have fun, be playful, and really appreciate what a truly amazing time this is.